WLCA a professional association proudly representing, educating and dedicated to the Wisconsin green industry since 1970!
The Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association (WLCA) state organization was formed in 1970. Over the years the makeup of the Association has changed and is currently comprised of three chapters that represent members across the state.
Membership is open to any firm that is actively engaged in landscape contracting, maintenance or related horticultural services. In addition, any firm actively engaged as a supplier to the landscape industry is eligible for membership.
The mission of WLCA is to promote growth, environmental awareness and professionalism of the landscape industry for the benefit of our communities.
The artistic and practical applications of the landscape profession require more than skilled craftsmanship. Landscape contractors are not only accountable to clients, but also to the government, the media, the general public and peers. The end result of the landscape contactor’s ideas and highly skilled efforts are on daily display. Landscape contractors cannot practice their profession within a self-serving vacuum. They must learn, develop, promote and share the special talents which are so unique to our industry. An association pools resources, shares experiences and improves skills to produce an important service profitably.
Through organized seminars, conferences and meetings, landscape contractors can keep pace with the perceived image of the green industry and, if necessary, effect changes that will best serve the interests of the landscape contracting profession and the public.
WLCA is a member of the Landscape Association Executive Council of the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) which entitles members to exchange ideas and pertinent information with other state associations across the country.
WLCA has chapters located in Fox Cities and Metro Milwaukee. There is also a Member at Large status which covers those not served by a local chapter. Each chapter plans its own meetings to meet the needs of their area members. Each chapter is represented by two representatives to the WLCA State Board of Directors.
Working cooperatively with WLCA State and NALP, local chapters are able to meet local, state and national industry challenges and opportunities that the 21st century will present.
Collectively, we have credibility, persuasive influence and meaningful opportunities to be the very best we want to be!
WLCA Affiliations & Structure

WLCA is a state member of the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP).

WLCA is comprised of regional chapters and a Member at Large classification. WLCA is responsive to local issues and concerns. Chapter associations allow WLCA to develop a broader based leadership to serve the membership more directly and effectively.
The goals of the local, state and national associations are similar. They strive to achieve professionalism by initiating programs that will improve both our technical and business talents, encourage the highest ethical standards and enhance our public image. They are caring, sharing organizations, that place valued emphasis on educational programs and meeting their member’s needs.
Benefits of WLCA Membership
Local chapter meetings that feature topics of concern to the green industry. Chapter meetings also give members an opportunity to network with supplier members and learn about the latest technologies.
Local chapter social gatherings such as golf outings, holiday parties and other seasonal outings.
Statewide seminars.
A statewide annual Awards Program sponsored by WLCA aimed primarily at landscape contractors. Prestigious awards are presented in special ceremonies and winning entrants receive invaluable publicity and promotional opportunities.
WLCA’s copyrighted logo is available to members for use on their own company advertising, website and print ads.
Reasonably priced advertising opportunities and employment ad listings on chapter websites.
Finally, WLCA membership offers pride and distinction. Your services gain a credibility and respect among consumers, a distinction that you are now part of a recognized organization of your peers all of whom are determined to achieve the highest degree of professionalism.
For complete details about the benefits of membership in the Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association, download a copy of our membership brochure.
To apply for membership, download a copy of our membership application.